Changing Default Behaviors

We provide what we think are sensible behaviors when attempting to access a protected endpoint. If the access token is not valid for any reason (missing, expired, tampered with, etc) we will return json in the format of {‘msg’: ‘why accessing endpoint failed’} along with an appropriate http status code (generally 401 or 422). However, you may want to customize what you returned in these situations. We can do that with the jwt_manager _loader functions.

from flask import Flask, jsonify, request
from flask_jwt_extended import JWTManager, jwt_required, create_access_token

app = Flask(__name__)
app.secret_key = 'super-secret'  # Change this!
jwt = JWTManager(app)

# Use the expired_token_loader to call this function whenever an expired but
# otherwise valid access token tries to access an endpoint
def my_expired_token_callback():
    return jsonify({
        'status': 401,
        'sub_status': 101,
        'msg': 'The token has expired'
    }), 200

@app.route('/login', methods=['POST'])
def login():
    username = request.json.get('username', None)
    password = request.json.get('password', None)
    if username != 'test' and password != 'test':
        return jsonify({"msg": "Bad username or password"}), 401

    ret = {'access_token': create_access_token(username)}
    return jsonify(ret), 200

@app.route('/protected', methods=['GET'])
def protected():
    return jsonify({'hello': 'world'}), 200

if __name__ == '__main__':

Loader functions are:

class flask_jwt_extended.jwt_manager.JWTManager(app=None)[source]

Sets the callback method to be called if an expired JWT is received

The default implementation will return json ‘{“msg”: “Token has expired”}’ with a 401 status code.

Callback must be a function that takes zero arguments.


Register this extension with the flask app


Sets the callback method to be called if an invalid JWT is received.

The default implementation will return json ‘{“msg”: <err>}’ with a 401 status code.

Callback must be a function that takes only one argument, which is the error message of why the token is invalid.


Sets the callback method to be called if a valid and non-fresh token attempts to access an endpoint protected with @fresh_jwt_required.

The default implementation will return json ‘{“msg”: “Fresh token required”}’ with a 401 status code.

Callback must be a function that takes no arguments.


Sets the callback method to be called if a blacklisted (revoked) token attempt to access a protected endpoint

The default implementation will return json ‘{“msg”: “Token has been revoked”}’ with a 401 status code.

Callback must be a function that takes no arguments.


Sets the callback method to be called if an invalid JWT is received

The default implementation will return ‘{“msg”: “Missing Authorization Header”}’ json with a 401 status code.

Callback must be a function that takes only one argument, which is the error message of why the token is invalid.


This sets the callback method for adding custom user claims to a JWT.

By default, no extra user claims will be added to the JWT.

Callback must be a function that takes only one argument, which is the identity of the JWT being created.